
1. Though I have been told repeatedly by my friends that I must plan my life to reach my goal, I have never been able to do it.
雖然我的朋友們一再告訴我必須規劃我的生活來達成目標, 我從來沒能做到.

2. A practical man is a man who is occupied with attaining certain ends that people consider important.
實際的人是一個心裡被達成目標這樣的想法所佔據的人, 而這些目標是人們認為重要的.
→ 一個實際的人心中充斥著想要完成所謂重要目標的想法.

3. Nobody will be allowed through the gate after 10 p.m.
晚上十點之後, 任何人不得從這個門出入.

4. It is estimated that fully half of the American working population now earns it living producing things unknown in 1920.
根據估計, 足足有一半的美國工作人口, 現在靠著生產在1920年代還不知道的東西生活.

5. The relationship between a man and a fatherland is always disturbed by conflict if either man or his fatherland is highly developed.
假如一個人或是他的祖國是高度發展的, 那麼他和他的祖國的關係總是被衝突所打亂.

6. Nobody could be said to understand the heath who had not been there at such a time.
如果沒有在這樣一個時間點來到那個地方, 沒有人可以說他了解這片荒野.

7. Washington who could have been king insisted that ultimate sovereignty lay with the people.
華盛頓本來可以成為國王, 他卻堅持國家的最終主權是在人民的身上.

8. He decided to take this difficult course, which has made him extremely busy during the summer.
他決定修這門困難的課程, 這讓他在這個夏天變得非常忙碌.

9. He stole, not because he wanted the money but because he liked stealing.
他偷東西並不是因為他想要那些錢, 而是他喜歡偷東西的感覺.

10. The days were short, for it was now December.
白天的時間是短暫的, 因為現在是十二月了.

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